HPxD to moderate the “The Art of Layering” at HPMKT
At Spring High Point Market, John-Richard Collection will host a panel discussion about the role decorative accents play in the final stages of interior design.
Moderated by HPxD managing director Jane Dagmi, “The Art of Layering” discussion will probe challenges and opportunities professionals face when curating and mixing art, lighting, tabletop décor, and accent furniture for design projects. The conversation will also cover photo styling for press-worthy interiors, budgeting for and selling accessories.
Panelists are interior designers (above, left to right) Christina Henck, Keon Khajavi-Noori and Xander Noori, and Susan Semmelmann. For Fort Worth-based Semmelmann, accessories are as important to a room as furniture. “I tell my clients, ‘You are not going to invest this much money and not go through to the end,'” she said in a pre-panel Zoom. Each of the designers will show examples of their work.
The educational event will take place in the John-Richard showroom at 200 Steele, 2nd floor, on Sunday, April 23 at 4 p.m. A reception enhanced by designer-led showroom tours will follow from 5-7 p.m.
Registered High Point Market buyers may RSVP for this event. For additional information, or to make a showroom appointment, April 20 – 26, write info@johnrichard.com.