Premarket: Look who’s open
Premarket happens biannually about one month prior to Market. It has always been a time for furniture retailers to preview upcoming products and get business done prior to Market. Since the Pandemic, interior designers have also been welcome. Organized by a group of sponsoring High Point showrooms such as Hooker Furnishings and Universal, many other businesses choose to open their doors
HPxD Design Day: August 3, 2022
Plan to come to High Point for a day of learning, connecting, and shopping . Here's what's going on: 9:00 "Concept to Completion" at Woodbridge Furniture (200 Steele), includes breakfast and a presentation showing the process of getting a piece of furniture from an idea to production. Also, you'll get a sneak peek at October Market introductions. RSVP requested: 12:30 Lunch